Saturday, January 31, 2015


One of the many reasons I started this blog was to let everyone know about the inequities that are occurring in NYC public schools on a daily basis. But, one of the major reasons was to share my experience in the system.

Those of you who have been following my blog know that I have been teaching for 27 years and that it wasn't till I came to work at my present school, four years ago, that I had ever been given an unsatisfactory rating on a classroom observation.

That all changed. Since my tenure in this school, I have been harassed, yelled at, called incompetent, and literally made to feel like a failure on a daily basis. All this while the principal smiled at me. I have grieved. I have written the chancellor several times and have had no response. I have written several superintendents, all to no avail.

When Danielson was all but a rumor, this principal began rating our lessons using the rubric and telling us how to write our lesson plans, which components she wanted included and if any were missing, it was an unsatisfactory lesson.

One day, just to prove a point, she walked in  and I performed a lesson that the AP had observed and rated satisfactory. It was on elements of fiction so I switched the element for that lesson. She rated it unsatisfactory. When I showed her the satisfactory lesson she responded, "Well, I don't know what he saw that would make this a satisfactory lesson." By the way, the AP was sitting right next to her.

Last year when Danielson was finally instituted, I received many ineffective and developing ratings according to her interpretation of the rubric. She went as far as to tell me that I did not know my students. And, even better than that, "You have knowledge of your content area."
I was humiliated!

On a daily basis, I work with English language learners who are new to the country, as well as learning and emotionally disabled students. Sometimes several students fall into all these categories at the same time. I worked without the support of an experienced special educator or at least a paraprofessional who could help when I had to differentiate instruction. When I asked her why this was the case she said that the special education teachers needed to be in the classrooms that ended on a state test. I didn't need one because the English regents doesn't happen till junior year. I was appalled.

At the end of the year, after all the tallying and the Danielson equation was computed, I received a rating of developing. I cried all the way home that day.

From Developing to Effective
Teachers work with the least amount of resources and yet are expected to work miracles. Well, I guess I did because after all was said and done, my final rating was effective. Part of the evaluation equation is student success on their tests. I was connected to what is called a MOSL, measure of student learning. All of my students exceeded expectations. Part of my connection was also the state English regents and the majority of the students passed. I had been their teacher two years prior so I had a hand in their success.

This evaluation system makes no sense and what Cuomo wants is even more nonsensical. I think Diane Ravitch said it best when she said, "...excellent teachers will be rated ineffective because they teach slow learners, and mediocre teachers may get high ratings because they teach in wealthy districts. Many teachers who are rated ineffective one year may be rated effective the next."

I know I am a Highly Effective teacher. If not, I would not have the relationships I have established with students who have graduated or with the parents who thank me for their child's progress. I know I am Highly Effective despite Danielson saying otherwise. My principal chooses who she deems effective and also discriminates against those of us who have experience (ARE OLD) and who she cannot manipulate.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Common Core. All Those in Favor....

The debate continues, but where there is money involved not much can be done by those of us who do not have it.

However, the fallout is being felt across America and parents are opting to home school their children. If my daughters were of school age, I'd be on the band wagon. As a teacher, I can inform parents as best I can but of course, there is the fear of retaliation.

In NYC, homeschooling is not a viable option. Most parents work and do not have the luxury to home school. Except some Networks in Manhattan, most parents cannot afford to have one parent stay at home to teach. Add to this the high number of single parents. Oh, and let's not forget, teenage mothers who are still themselves in school.

I found the following article informative:
Common Core Fallout: Homeschooling Rates Are Rising

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Just One More for Today

It made me smile!!!!

Common Core

Now I understand why it is that the PBA and other city unions fought for fair and equitable contracts. They waited it out till they received what they deserve.

The UFT fell for it very quickly and Michael Mulgrew made it a point to instill fear so that the contract would be ratified by the majority of teachers, even when most knew that we were getting the short end of the straw.

It was the Common Core mentality that we have been indoctrinated for the past several years. Look at the next example:

Mulgrew is a big advocate of the Common Core which basically, in its quest to increase critical thinking has made simple math look like a puzzle from the New York Times.

I am not a math teacher but what  I do know is that the increases we will be receiving in no way will match the cost of living in 2020. We were short changed in ways that the union blatantly accepted because they will continue to receive their fat checks as we speak.

Now, I say this in jest, not really but think about, why? Why is it that teachers who are creating the future of tomorrow are treated like second class citizens? Why is it that after three degrees, I am still considered substandard according to the new evaluation system?

My principal who did nothing to support us when it came to Danielson, rated me as Developing. It was only after the test scores came in that the students who took the local exams passed, that I received Effective. Then the state exams results came in and I was found Highly Effective.

Morale is the lowest since I began as a teacher. And it is not just me! It is every teacher who has seniority and is making the top salary. Hell, I worked for that! It's taking me 27 years to get there. Cops hit top pay at five, and trust me, I take nothing away from them. They protect us and keep us safe. But, teachers go through it too. Last week, I was pushed by a student and verbally attacked by another.

The new chancellor regs now stipulate that unless there is an immediate threat we are not to remove students. Well, both were back in the classroom: one the same period, the other three days later. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Michael Mulgrew Saddens Me

I was very sad when Michel Mulgrew, the head of the teachers union, took it upon himself to  make the call to march against the police on behalf of teachers. He alienated a very strong ally.

Now that the State of New York, heck the entire country blames teachers for the ills of our society, we need as many allies as we can get. The PBA is a very strong union. I am married to a cop for many years and know the dangers that they encounter on a daily basis. Also, many cops are married to teachers. How dare he be our mouthpiece.

Mulgrew took it upon himself to create a divide that will not serve anyone in the long run. Our last mayor was a union buster and now we are faced with a Governor who is out, in his own words to New York State: Your Teachers Stink. I Will Fire Them. I will Break Their Union.

What's going to happen when he decides to go after other unions?

We must all unite and show a common front. We cannot be intimidated by politicians who know nothing about what teachers, cops, firefighters, and EMTs do.

Let's show Cuomo that he will not break us. And, he certainly will not break our unions!


Alarming!!! How did Cuomo get reelected?

Andrew Cuomo to New York State: Your Teachers Stink. I Will Fire Them. I will Break Their Union.

How dare he! The comments of this man are offensive and detrimental to the low morale that already exists in the school system of the city of New York.

Like Bloomberg before him, I invite you, Mr, Cuomo to take a week, if you can last that long teaching in one of our public schools. Choose anywhere: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens... I want to see how long you will last trying to reach every single student regardless of reading level, new to the city with no English and some having received no formal education from the country they come.

I would love to see you constantly going to new professional developments where the only thing we are learning is to follow an impossible Danielson rubric and are being ripped apart because of it.
No development to help with those needy students that require special attention and cannot receive it because there is one teacher to 30, all of whom have learning styles that differ from one another.

Our measly paychecks go into professional courses that actually help in finding new solutions to reach every student, The DOE nor the state Department do not facilitate this for us. It comes from our pockets. And, guess what, I have two children a mortgage and a car note. I also have to feed and clothe them. 

Yet, I still take online courses devoted to the Common Core, differentiation, and Danielson. Whoever found her to be the end all be all is insane and not an educated person.

Let me continue with the fact that I sponsor underprivileged students who cannot even afford a notebook or a pen. This year, I am sponsoring a graduating student who not only hasn't got the means but who lives in a shelter. I had never spent so much money since my own two girls graduated.

Don't get me started on Teacher's choice. Every year it dwindles. Last year was a joke; this year we received $77. This is meant to supplement the hundreds we already spend on our students.

My favorite line form the article was: 
"Governor Cuomo’s teacher evaluation plan is set to punish teachers for not graduating vastly more students ready to succeed in college, as measured by one test score, than currently attend college."

Not all students want to go to college. Do you want to do the right thing: bring back specialized schools that allow students to earn certificates and upon graduation enter the work force. I had a great student several years ago with a 3.50 GPA. Guess what was her dream? She wanted to be a mechanic!

My next point of contention shows how little you know about the inner city:
"Following Governor Cuomo’s logic it is not that these schools and their teachers struggle with the long established deprivations of poverty upon their student population and would benefit from aggressive plans of economic renewal and integration; it is that their teachers are ineffective and need to be fired.

Have you ever heard of gaps? Gaps that need to be closed so that Black and Latinos can catch up to their suburban counterparts. Even in the suburbs you will find these disparities!

You are so out of touch, Mr. Cuomo, You really need a reality check! I am personally inviting you to my high school; if you dare. Come in as a visitor, not as the Governor of the State of New York. Maybe then you will see how hard we work reaching every student and giving the best of ourselves.

For the full article, follow the link:

Sunday, January 11, 2015

What a Great Day!

Last week, I had one of the worst days of my teaching career. I was pushed by a student and my lesson was once again ripped apart. The principal rated my lesson and found everything developing and ineffective. The only effective I got was in classroom management.

I was told I do not have mastery of my subject matter as well as pedagogy. I also, according to her, do not know my students.

All this at the beginning of my day.

Period three, the students were completely out of control. They all came in as if they were out for recess. Then, a student who had never shown to my class decided to grace me with his presence. He first went off on my co teacher and then, saw two of his "besties" and they all came together like magnets. They began to high five each other, throw gang signs, and make some very weird noises.

This began a series of events that completely created chaos in the room. Mind you, there were three adults in the room and we could not get a handle on the situation.

I approached one student and tried to speak to him and he decided to tell me to "get the fuck out of my face." As if I was made out of steel, i continued to try and settle him down and he, once again told me to get the fuck out of his face.

I asked him to step outside so I could deal with him in private. He got up and walked out of the room and then just kept on walking.

I turned back into the room to continue to manage the room. I approached another student with whom I have never had an issue with. He, seeing that everyone was pretty much getting away with their disruptive behavior, decided to follow along and he too told me to get the fuck out of his face.

The next thing I know, the student stood up and came about two inches away from me. the student also towers over me so he was looking down at me.

His next directive was, "get the fuck out of my way."

I stood still; didn't move. I felt my face turning red as well as a warmth flushing my cheeks.

Once again, he said, "get the fuck out of my way."

When I didn't move he pushed through me, elbowing me in the process.

He turned around and walked out of the room.

All of this, and a lot more that I won't get into, happened last Tuesday. The student was in school the next day, and the next day, and the next. He was told to not go to my class. Friday, the parent came in, and without my presence had a meeting with the principal and AP. I was informed of this during my prep on Friday. At this time< I was also informed that Monday morning, the student, guidance counselor, AP, and myself would be meeting at 8 o'clock.

I have no idea what was discussed at the parent meeting nor do I have the slightest idea what we will discuss tomorrow. What I do know is that there were no consequences for the student or any of the students I wrote up that Tuesday.

Just another day at a Bronx High School.

I Knew This Was Coming

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year!

A new year is upon us and I will not be 
making any resolutions. I either break them or forget I made them.

All I hope for in the new year is 
for peace and tranquility in all aspects of my life. 
Oh, and love... 


Here is a little bit on the Common Core debate.