Saturday, January 24, 2015

Michael Mulgrew Saddens Me

I was very sad when Michel Mulgrew, the head of the teachers union, took it upon himself to  make the call to march against the police on behalf of teachers. He alienated a very strong ally.

Now that the State of New York, heck the entire country blames teachers for the ills of our society, we need as many allies as we can get. The PBA is a very strong union. I am married to a cop for many years and know the dangers that they encounter on a daily basis. Also, many cops are married to teachers. How dare he be our mouthpiece.

Mulgrew took it upon himself to create a divide that will not serve anyone in the long run. Our last mayor was a union buster and now we are faced with a Governor who is out, in his own words to New York State: Your Teachers Stink. I Will Fire Them. I will Break Their Union.

What's going to happen when he decides to go after other unions?

We must all unite and show a common front. We cannot be intimidated by politicians who know nothing about what teachers, cops, firefighters, and EMTs do.

Let's show Cuomo that he will not break us. And, he certainly will not break our unions!


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