Saturday, May 16, 2015


I have been downtown three times the past four weeks: step two grievance, EEOC, and to answer allegations. Yup, it's been quite a ride. I'm resilient. I fall and get up no matter what.

I am up.

I have several APPRs waiting to be reviewed. The last one hasn't been acknowledged by the principal yet. And, it was given to her two weeks ago. That's OK.

Like I said, I am up.

I thought that simply following her misguided teaching "recommendations" would keep her off my back, but that has not been the case. They still say I am not doing it correctly. The other day, the ELA coach gave me feedback on how to write my assessment so they would get it. Well, I did.

Their response was comical. "This is not an assessment. You must follow the LT (learning target) and CFS (criteria for success) and connect it to the task. Then, mumbo, jumbo, hippity hop..."

So, I told the coach and he shook his head.

Two network coaches came in to do PD. They questioned why we wrote our LTs the way we did.
"This is how she wants them."
Coach: "These are not LTs." HAH...

But, God don't like ugly. The superintendent came in to rate her on Thursday. She was quite the arrogant bitch. (No wonder she has never responded to my letters. I can write an entire post just on that visit.)

She questioned everything in every classroom she visited. Then said, "I saw nothing today that is more than developing." HAH...

Well, everything she saw follows what the principal wants to see in every classroom. We are following her format to a T.


It's been a rough year, but it's almost over. I'm desensitized and don't seem to care any more. But, I am up.

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